Say, Say O Playmate

So, I've been on Winter Break for two days and have been spending tons of time with my own two lovelies.  It's been a lot of fun: yesterday we made "Mickey Mouse shaped" pizzas for lunch and we went to a place called "Monkey Business" yesterday with two friends from Noah's class; today we spent time with an uncle that just got into town.  And all the while I've had this song stuck in my head:

I love it, and it's great with older students.  You can isolate low ti at the end and if you're kids are really advanced you can talk about the altered tone (that fun Gb).  AND it's got a fun and challenging hand-clapping pattern.  Since I'm a visual person I had to write the whole thing out.  Here it is and it's performed with a partner:

If you want to challenge your kiddos, have then perform it with their partner in concentric circles and have them step left on the  "cross-down" to change partners (similar to "Cross Town").

I won't be posting much in the next couple of weeks, I'm going to try to actually take a "break" from school work, we'll see how that goes!  In the meantime, I have posted a bunch of rhythm flashcards on my Teachers Pay Teachers store and will have a post in a couple weeks about fun games to use with them.

Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!

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