This is a song that I've blogged about before. It's a complete gem, the kids love it and it's so great for preparing and practicing ta & ti-ti in first grade and for do in second grade. My kids will play the game ad nauseum and ask for it ALL THE TIME. You can read the game in my other post by clicking here. When I went to teach it this year I was disappointed with the PowerPoint that I had, so I decided to re-do it.
Here it is:
There's a lyric slide:
A beat slide, comparing the text to the beat:
A rhythm prep slide:
TWO rhythm practice slides (there's also one with note heads):
Melodic preparation slides for do:
These slides DO entail the whole song, these are just some samples:
Apples showing the melody with text:
Apples with solfa and a "?" for do:
Apples on the staff with text:
Apples on the staff with known sofa and a "?" for do:
Presentation slides,
This one asks about the critical attributes of do:
This one gives the name, the hand sign and restates some critical attributes:
Then the practice slides "retrace" our path to get here. . .that is, they are the same as the preparation slides BUT with do labeled:
And then I also added the "real" notes :)
Now, here's what I'm REALLY excited about!! I can't wait to use this in a few weeks when my 2nd graders are practicing do.
Here's the instruction slide for the kids:
They will be divided into two teams. Taking turns, the teams will pick an apple. Each apple is hyperlinked to another slide. There are 14 other slides. On 11 of them are melodic patterns, extracted from folk songs (which are notated in the slides notes), that the team must correctly sing in order to "earn" that apple.
Here are a couple examples of the melodic slides:
Now, three of the slides are the dreaded "WORMY APPLE" slides!!! I thought this would add a fun twist! When this slide comes up it acts the same as a "missed" turn would.
In order to keep track of who earned which apples AND which apples are still for the taking, I made these cards that can be printed out on card stock. Once an apple is correctly read, you can put that card on that team's side of the board. Or, you could have a basket for each team and then the teams would gather their apples in the baskets. The goals is have the most apples at the end.
I posted this on Teachers Pay Teachers as a zip file. The file includes the rhythm and melody preparation/practice PDF above as well as FOUR versions of this game:
- the version in F-do posted above,
- a version in F-do WITH the solfa written in (see the first slide below)
- a version in G-do (see the second slide below)
- a version in G-do WITH the solfa written in (see the thirs slide below)
** UPDATE: all the games have been fixed, phew! :)
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