After my Scrambled Eggs Post I was asked to share my Easter Egg collection and some of the songs that I use with them. So, here's some of my collection! Now, what I put in the fish depends on what musical concept my kiddos are working on. Sometimes I will put song phrases in them and they have to put them in order but most times I use the Scrambled Eggs idea.
I have fish:
I use a variety of songs with them:
- Who's Got a Fishpole?
- Crawdad Song
- One, Two Three, Four Five
- Ickle Ockle:
Two types of cupcakes:
This is my FAVORITE song to do with the Cupcakes:
But I've also done "Three Little Muffins" with comparatives.
With the carrots we use:
- Chop, Chop, Chippity Chop
- Old Mr. Rabbit
- Rabbit Run on the Frozen Ground
- Mr. Rabbit
I've got ice cream cones and Popsicles!!
Here's the song that I use with these:
These little cuties:
I use them for half note with this song:
There are snails:
There are flowers:
You can use them with:
- Blue Bells
- All Around the Buttercup
- Wall flowers:
And I have quite the collection of balls:
These can be used with Plainsies Clapsies and Bounce High, Bounce Low
Here are my new Ladybugs: (Did you even notice that "Ladybug's Picnic" is a nice so-mi-do pattern at the beginning?)
And monkeys:
I'll admit that not all times I use them with songs. . .sometimes I'll use the footballs simply because it's football season and I want a "motivator" to get the kids to read some melodies or rhythms. . .
I found almost all of these AFTER Easter and some of them were in the candy aisle (filled with candy which I used for choir incentives). I forgot to take pictures of the heart containers )that are similar to eggs) that I found at the Dollar Store this year. I found some more cute eggs at Oriental trading in this years catalog. I hope this gives you an idea into my collection. There are MANY ways to use them. I'll probably come back and edit this post later. . . . I just got done with my 3rd graders' concert and I'm a little tired!! :)
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