Bell Horses

This is a song for which I have heard a lot of different variations, especially with the ending phrase.  Here's the way I know it:

I love this song and use if for various concepts.  With my kinders I use it for steady beat.  I have a beat chart that has horses and they practice beat tracking, we play a couple different games with it (see below) and we use my cute little rocking horses with it.  Here are my rocking horses:

 My Granny made these for me my first year of teaching and I use them every year.  They practice the steady beat while "rocking" the horses back and forth.  Students that don't use a rocking horse use their fists as "mock" horses to rock with the beat.  The kids LOVE using these.  I also use them for beat tracking. I'll have all four horses lined up and they pet the horses on the beats of the song.  For instance, using the horses below, they would pet the purple horse on beat one, then the orange horse on beat two, the red horse on beat three and the yellow horse on beat four.  Then they would start the beat pattern again, starting back on the purple horse.

With my first grades, I use it for la and of course we use it as an opportunity to review the known rhythms of ta, ti-ti and rest and the melodic known elements of  so-mi.  Here's the PowerPoint (I actually sing three verses of the song when we play the game):

 I know a lot of people use this ending, so I included this in my file that's posted on Teachers Pay Teachers:

There's a beat chart:

 (including the alternate ending phrase):
 Rhythm prep:
 Ta & ti-ti review/rest prep:
 With rest notated:
 With note-heads:

 Melodic preparation for la:

 I noticed that I've been favoring the key of F lately so I'm going to start trying to post everything written in G-do and F-do.  I also need to do a few in C-do, I know! :)

La presentation:

And immediate practice of la:

 And here are the games that I know, click on the image to read them in a bigger font:
You can download this file from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

I hope you all are having a GREAT week!!!

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