Erasers. . . . Repurposed.

If you've been following my blog you know that I keep Target, The Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby in business by finding seasonal things and adapting them for use in the music classroom.  lol!!!  (Although my husband would argue that there IS truth to that.)  I use to blog about more about these finds then I started posting a lot about my TpT products.  I'm hoping this year I can give you more of a balance between the two! :)

Here are some of this year's back to school finds, and YES, they're all erasers!

Here are some telephone that I plan on using to "phone in" a melody/melodic phrase (a.k.a. melodic dictation).  What I think is funny about them is that they are "old school dial" phones.  These will take some explaining, I'm sure!  These I found at BANKS School Supply, here in CO.  I believe they have on-line ordering.  It was 59 cents for a dozen, better than a Dollar Tree find!

The next is a Target Dollar bin find:

I'm using them for mi-re-do.   I LOVE using "Hot Cross Buns" with "Down to the Bakershop", which is a whole other post AND will be a TpT product soon:

And the final one for today is another BANKS find, these umbrellas fit "pretty well" in the staff, except the handles.  I bet you can figure this one out on your own! :)

Tomorrow I will post on another erasers find!!  This time, at Walgreens!

Happy teaching and singing!

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