Hi everyone! I'm on SUMMER Vacation!!! And I slept in for the first time in months this morning! When I got up, after helping my two kids stop arguing, I noticed that Deanna Jump had a linky party going on her blog and I knew I couldn't pass this one up:
So, here are my top ten, in no particular order:
1. Spend more time with my family-
I love my kids and husband. I'm also fortunate enough to have a husband who is also a teacher so we should have lots of family time this summer!!!
2. Go swimming!!!
I went swimming maybe one time last summer. That's horrible!!!! So the goal is to go with the kids swimming a lot more!
3. Learn to run
I've never been a runner but I need more cardio (I've gained a lot of muscle this past spring with my weight training).
4. CLEAN and organize
My poor house has been so neglected! It needs a MAJOR spring, summer and fall cleaning! And we have so much junk! We have all the kids clothes from when they were babies! So, if any of you are local (Boulder County, CO) talk to me, I'll set you up: I've got girl and boy clothes!!
5. Sleep
I'm so far behind on sleep and the ability to fall asleep has been hard lately. I think this will help me be a happier mom and a happier person in general!
We've had this vacation planned for a year now. The kids are so excited!! We were there 2 years ago, Hannah was 2 and Noah was almost 5. They had such a good time and this time will be even better!!
7. Eat more fresh or "real" food:
I'd love to do some type of detox (T.M.I.?) and feel better about my eating habits.
8. Breath. . . . be present. So much easier said than done, right?!
9. Work on concept specific lessons, PDF's and manipulatives
It's been about a year since I've made a concept specific file and I would really like to get these organized so I can use them in my teaching.
10. Get back to the essence of why I got into teaching music
Sometimes I get too hung up in the politics and logistics of teaching. I need to remember why I got into teaching: it's the marriage of two of my favorite things, kids and music. I have always loved working with kids. In fact, I've only held one job in my life (and that was in college) that did not entail working with kids. I need to relax, not take myself so seriously and focus on who and what I teach.
Thanks to Deanna Jump for helping me focus on this, what a great way to start the summer!
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