This is a fun little Valentine's Day song that's great for tika-tika practice and for fa preparation and practice in 4th grade. Here it is:
I've made a PowerPoint that can be used for preparation and practice of both of these concepts, as well as a fun little activity to go with it.
Here's the PowerPoint's title slide:
Lyric Slide:
A slide with the text compared to the beat:
Iconic representation of the beat, for tika-tika preparation:
Another preparation slide replacing the known concepts (ta & ti-ti) and and leaving the iconic representation for the unknown rhythmic element:
Finally, a presentation/practice slide for rhythm:
Here are the melodic preparation slides for fa:
There are slides for the entire song that show the iconic representation of the melody, like this:
There are slides that put the iconic representation of the melody, with the text, on the staff. Here's a sample:
The two sets of slides are duplicated, using the known solfége and a "?" for the unknown (fa). One is without the staff:
And on the staff:
There is also a slide with the stick notation, with the known solfége labeled and a "?" for fa:
Here is a presentation or review/practice slide:
And then the entire set of preparation slides are duplicated but this time fa is labeled:
The "real notes" are also put on the staff with solfége:
As well as the "real notes" with Absolute Pitch names. . . you could even have your kiddos play this on recorder!
And there's a stick notation slide with the complete solfége:
I made an activity for this to reinforce meter. . . that's a "pot" that I often times forget to stir!! Here's an information slide about it:
Basically, I'll print out the slides below and cut them in half. Each student will get a letter and but their letters are only "partially" addressed (we all know the P.O. won't deliver them if they aren't addressed correctly, lol!). In order to make them be addressed correctly they have to add the bar lines.
There are "letters" that contain the rhythm only of the slide (I'll be using this with my 3rd graders for practice):
And there are letters that have the solfége as well, I'll be using these with my 4th graders:
For my 3rd graders, on the back I will print these "composition/dictation" hearts. I haven't decided if I'm going to let them compose or if we'll do a diction exercise:
You can find this PowerPoint at my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I have another fun mailbox game that I will be posting soon for "Somebody Loves Me." It might require a trip to Target, lol!! Now I'm building the suspense, huh?! :) Have a GREAT Monday night!
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