Who Will Be My Valentine?

Double post?!!  What can I say, I missed blogging over the weekend!!! I actually worked on this PowerPoint in the hotel room Friday night!  (I know, I live large!)  For any of you who were at my "Manipulative Mania" session on Friday at CMEA, this is one of the songs that we did during that session.

This is one of my ALL-TIME favorite songs to do at Valentine's Day with my 1st and 2nd graders (although, I've also done it with my full-day kinders too!).  I learned it from Cindy McCaskill during my student teaching.  It goes like this:

Familiar tune, right?!  You might know it as "Bow Wow Wow" and I also posted a Christmas version "Ho, Ho, Ho" in December.  The dance is very similar and is posted below.

Here's the PowerPoint:
Title Slide (I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I love this as it makes a nice link between literature and music):

Here are the lyric slides:

There's the beat slide:

The rhythm preparation slide:

The ta & ti-ti practice and rest preparation slide:

The rest practice slide:

And then if you're second graders are preparing re, there are some preparation slides:

Then they also read it on the staff with body signs. . . here's a sample slide:

Then reading the known solfa and humming the unknown note (again, a sample slide):

Presentation slide. . . highlights the critical attributes of re:

And then the practice slides go through the whole process again, but this time with re being labeled:

Also with "real" notes:

And absolute pitch reading:

Here's the song slide with the dance directions:

I also made a song sort for this one.  If you're working on re with your 2nd graders then this will be good practice for them.  Just make a sheet for every child (or have them work in pairs) and cut it in fourths so the cards are separated.

I also made this in black & white for easier printing (you can't print everything in color. . .that's a little exspensive!)  I call this the "I Love Lucy" version, lol!!

This is posted on my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  If you aren't following me on Teachers Pay Teachers, please do.  My first monthly freebie will be sent out via message on Teachers Pay Teachers on February 1st and it's related to this post.

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