Tic Tac Toe

I haven't blogged in a VERY long stretch, what can I say?  It's been a very busy summer.  I surprised my husband with a trip to Las Vegas for our ten year anniversary (TOTALLY fun!  I told him about it one hour before we had to leave for the airplane. He said it was the best surprise ever).  When we got back, we had one day to catch up on laundry and load up our car to take our family trip to Chicago.  Which was also  A LOT of fun!  The two weeks before these trips and the two weeks after them I was spending most of my day planning to teach level II Kodály at Colorado State.  We just finished week one and it's been one of the most rewarding, educational and fun experiences of my professional life.  I'm really looking forward to week two!!  But needless to say, it hasn't left much time to do other things.  I'm sad to report that I have only been swimming once this summer, so after next week I'm dedicating the two weeks of vacation I have left to spending time with my two little ones.  Noah will be in first grade at my school this year and my daughter, Hannah will be attending Monday-Wednesday-Friday preschool at my school too!

Now, on the trip to Chicago I did have time to work on a game that I have had in my head for a while.  My dear friend, Tanya LeJeune, blogged about her Tika-tika Tic Tac Toe game last year.  I have made electronic versions of the game that can be used via PowerPoint  Now, I haven't played around with it yet, but my understanding is that you can also use them on an iPad via SlideShark. (On my to-do list to try out).

Each file comes with SIX versions of the game for that specific element: red, orange, yellow, green, blue & purple.  Each game within each file uses the same patterns, but they're placement on the game board is different for each game.  Now, the melodic files actually contain TWELVE games: six in stick notation and six in staff notation.

Here's a stick notation sample:

Here's the main game board.

When you click on a number, it brings you to a slide.  If the choosing team performs the pattern correctly, they get that box, if not the other team gets the box.  When you return to the game board (but clicking on the star-like icon in the lower right hand corner, you get the choice of making that box an "X" or an "O".

Here are a couple more stick notation samples:

Here's a couple staff notation samples (different game, this is from the la game):

 These are available on my Teacher Pay Teachers Store:

  1. ta ti-ti
  2. quarter rest
  3. half-note
  4. tika-tika
  5. ti-tika
  6. tika-ti
  7. syncopa
  8. tom-ti
  9. ti-tom
  10. so-mi
  11. la
  12. do
  13. re
  14. la,
  15. so,
  16. do'
  17. fa
  18. ti
  19. Melodic Bundle
  20. Rhythmic bundle- COMING SOON!

 I know a couple people have bought by zip files and have problems unzipping them.  If you contact the support center at TpT they are great about troubleshooting with you.  If you still can't get them unzipped, please email me and I will send them your way- I usually am able to send you the files within 12-24 hours, usually sooner than that! :)

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