Two New Games

Where did summer go?!!!!  I spent a good 5 weeks planning to teaching Kodály level 2, we took a three night trip to Vegas and a 2 week family trip to Illinois.  Then the last two weeks have been crazy with different birthday parties my kids were invited to, back to school stuff.  I need a vacation from vacation, lol!!!

So, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things and start posting on a more weekly or daily basis like last year!  So sorry to neglect this poor blog!

I have lots of new ideas to share, some of which are DIY projects for you and some of which are TpT products.  I've got two TpT products done, so I'll share those today.

Remember all those "I Have/Who Has?" games that I made?  (If not, read about them by clicking here).  Well, I've made two new versions of the game with another one that will be finished this week (that one is a pitch naming game).

Here's the first one, it's a musical symbols game:

There are three versions (and within each version are two sets of cards: one that is numbered and one that is un-numbered.  These are the un-numbered cards).

The first version gives the name of the musical symbol in both the question and the answer and is the easiest way to play the game.  Because of this, you could add this to your sub tub!!!:

The second version gives the name of the symbol in the question (the "Who has. . .") but not in the answer, so the students have to visually identify one of the musical symbols on their card to play the game:

In the third version, the name of the symbol is not provided at all.  These cards would make a GREAT assessment for visual identification of musical symbols!

The next new game I created is an instrument version.

Again, there are three versions of the game, with both numbered and un-numbered cards.

The first gives the instrument name in both the question and answer:

The second version gives just the name in the question:

And the third does not give the name in either the question or answer:

You can purchase these games by clicking here:

  1. Musical Symbol "I Have/Who Has?" Game
  2. Musical Instrument "I Have/Who Has?" Game

To view more items in my store, click here.

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